tensap.linear_algebra package


tensap.linear_algebra.magic_indices module

Module magic_indices.

tensap.linear_algebra.magic_indices.magic_indices(F, n=None, option='left_right')

Return the set of n magic indices (i_1, j_1), …, (i_n, j_n) constructed by a greedy algorithm.

If option is ‘left_right’ (default value):

[ik,jk] = arg max_{i,j} | F_ij - I_{k-1}(F)_ij | where I_{k-1}(F) is the rank-(k-1) matrix which interpolates F on the cross corresponding to rows (i_1, …, i_{k-1}) and columns (j_1,…, j_{k-1}).

If option is ‘left’:

jk is equal to k and \(ik = arg max_{i} max_{1 <= j <= M} | F_ij - I_[k-1](F)_ij |\).

If option is ‘right’:

ik is equal to k and \(jk = arg max_{j} max_{1 <= i <= N} | F_ij - I[k-1](F)_ij |\)

Flist or numpy.ndarray

Input matrix.

nint, optional

Number of magic indices. The default is None, indicating to choose n = np.min(F.shape).

optionstr, optional

The selected option. The default is ‘left_right’.

I, Jnumpy.ndarray

The magic indices.


If the selected option is incorrect.

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