tensap.functions package¶
- tensap.functions.measures package
- Submodules
- tensap.functions.measures.copulas module
- tensap.functions.measures.discrete_measure module
- tensap.functions.measures.discrete_random_variable module
- tensap.functions.measures.empirical_random_variable module
- tensap.functions.measures.measure module
- tensap.functions.measures.normal_random_variable module
- tensap.functions.measures.probability_measure module
- tensap.functions.measures.product_measure module
- tensap.functions.measures.random_multi_indices module
- tensap.functions.measures.random_variable module
- tensap.functions.measures.random_vector module
- tensap.functions.measures.uniform_random_variable module
- Module contents
- tensap.functions.polynomials package
- tensap.functions.sets package
tensap.functions.compositional_model_function module¶
Module compositional_model_function
(tree, fun, measure)¶ Bases:
Class CompositionalModelFunction.
- Attributes
- treetensap.DimensionTree
The dimension tree associated with the function.
- funlist or numpy.ndarray or function or tensap.Function
A list or array of functions, one for each node of the tree, or one function, identical for all the internal nodes of the tree.
- measuretensap.Measure
The measure associated with the function.
(x[, return_f])Call self as a function.
(x)Evaluate the CompositionalModelFunction at points x.
(x)Evaluate the Function on a grid x.
([support, n_points])Plot the function on a support using a given number of points.
(not_alpha, x_not_alpha)Return the partial evaluation of a function f(x) = f(x_alpha,x_not_alpha), a function f_alpha(.) = f(., x_not_alpha) for fixed values x_not_alpha of the variables with indices not_alpha.
([n, measure])Evaluates the function at n points x drawn randomly according to the ProbabilityMeasure in measure if provided, or in self.measure.
(x)Evaluate the function, reuising previous evaluations if possible, and storing the new evaluations in self.
([n])Surface plot of the bivariate function.
(g[, n, measure])Compute the test error associated with the function, using a function g or some of its evaluations as a reference.
(x)¶ Evaluate the CompositionalModelFunction at points x.
- Parameters
- xlist or numpy.ndarray
The points at which the function is to be evaluated.
- Returns
- numpy.ndarray
The evaluations of the function at points x.
tensap.functions.function module¶
Module function.
¶ Bases:
Class Function.
- Attributes
- dimint
The dimension of the input of the function.
- measuretensap.Measure
The measure associated with the function.
- output_shapeint or list or numpy.ndarray
The shape of the output of the function.
- evaluation_at_multiple_pointsbool
Indicates if the function can be evaluated at multiple points at once.
- storebool
Indicates if the Function object should store the evaluations of the function.
(x[, return_f])Call self as a function.
(x)Evaluate the function at the points x.
Evaluate the Function on a grid x.
([support, n_points])Plot the function on a support using a given number of points.
(not_alpha, x_not_alpha)Return the partial evaluation of a function f(x) = f(x_alpha,x_not_alpha), a function f_alpha(.) = f(., x_not_alpha) for fixed values x_not_alpha of the variables with indices not_alpha.
([n, measure])Evaluates the function at n points x drawn randomly according to the ProbabilityMeasure in measure if provided, or in self.measure.
(x)Evaluate the function, reuising previous evaluations if possible, and storing the new evaluations in self.
([n])Surface plot of the bivariate function.
(g[, n, measure])Compute the test error associated with the function, using a function g or some of its evaluations as a reference.
(x)¶ Evaluate the function at the points x.
- Parameters
- xlist or numpy.ndarray
The points at which the function is to be evaluated.
- Returns
- numpy.ndarray
The evaluations of the function at the points x.
(x)¶ Evaluate the Function on a grid x.
- Parameters
- xtensap.TensorGrid
The tensap.ensorGrid used for the evaluation..
- Returns
- fxnumpy.ndarray
The evaluation of the Function on the grid.
- Raises
- NotImplementedError
If the method is not implemented.
- ValueError
If x is not a tensap.TensorGrid object.
(support=None, n_points=100, *args, **kwargs)¶ Plot the function on a support using a given number of points.
- Parameters
- supportlist or numpy.ndarray, optional
The support of the plot. The default is None, indicating to use the truncated_support of self.measure.
- n_pointsint, optional
The number of points used for the plot. The default is 100.
- *argstuple
Additional parameters used by the function matplotlib.pyplot.plot.
- Returns
- None.
(not_alpha, x_not_alpha)¶ Return the partial evaluation of a function f(x) = f(x_alpha,x_not_alpha), a function f_alpha(.) = f(., x_not_alpha) for fixed values x_not_alpha of the variables with indices not_alpha.
- Parameters
- not_alphalist or numpy.ndarray
The indices of the fixed variables.
- x_not_alphanumpy.ndarray
The points at which the function is evaluated in the dimensions not_alpha.
- Returns
- f_alphatensap.UserDefinedFunction
The partial evaluation of the Function.
- Raises
- ValueError
If the Function has an empty attribute dim.
(n=1, measure=None)¶ Evaluates the function at n points x drawn randomly according to the ProbabilityMeasure in measure if provided, or in self.measure.
- Parameters
- nint, optional
The number of random evaluations. The default is 1.
- measuretensap.ProbabilityMeasure, optional
The probability measure according to which the points x are drawn. The default is None, indicating to use self.measure.
- Returns
- numpy.ndarray
The evaluations of the function at the points x.
- xnumpy.ndarray
The points at which the function is to be evaluated.
- Raises
- ValueError
If the provided measure is not a tensap.ProbabilityMeasure.
(x)¶ Evaluate the function, reuising previous evaluations if possible, and storing the new evaluations in self.
- Parameters
- xnumpy.ndarray
The input points.
- Returns
- ynumpy.ndarray
The evaluations of the Function.
- tensap.Function
The Function with stored evaluations, for future reuse.
(n=None, *args)¶ Surface plot of the bivariate function.
- Parameters
- nlist or numpy.ndarray, optional
The number of points used for the surface plot in each dimension. The default is [1000, 1000].
- *argstuple
Additional parameters used by matplotlib.pyplot’s plot_surface function.
- Returns
- axmatplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot
The surface plot as a matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object.
(g, n=1000, measure=None)¶ Compute the test error associated with the function, using a function g or some of its evaluations as a reference. A measure can be provided to randomly draw the test input data.
- Parameters
- gtensap.Function or numpy.ndarray
The reference function or evaluations of it.
- nint or numpy.ndarray, optional
The test sample size, or the test input data. The default is 1000 test input points.
- measuretap.ProbabilityMeasure, optional
A probability measure used to draw the test input data. The default is None, indicating to either use self.measure, g.measure or the provided input points.
- Returns
- err_l2float
The L2 error.
- err_linffloat
The L-infinity error.
tensap.functions.functional_tensor module¶
Module functional_tensor.
(tensor=None, bases=None, fdims=None)¶ Bases:
Class FunctionalTensor.
- Attributes
- tensorTensor or tensap.FunctionalTensor, optional
The tensor of the FunctionalTensor. The default is None.
- baseslist or tensap.FunctionalBases, optional
The functional bases of the FunctionalTensor. The default is None.
- fdimslist or numpy.ndarray, optional
The dimensions corresponding to the bases. The default is None.
(x[, return_f])Call self as a function.
(dims, *args)Compute the conditional expectation of self with respect to the random variables dims (a subset of [1, …, d]).
(n)Compute the n-th order derivative of self.
(f_2[, fdims])Computes the expectation of self(X)f_2(X) where X is the random vector associated with self.bases if measure is not provided, and measure otherwise.
(x, *dims)Evaluate self at the points x.
(n, x, *dims)Evaluate the n-th order derivative of self at the points x.
(x[, dims])Compute evaluations of self at points x.
(x)Evaluate the Function on a grid x.
(bases_eval[, dims])Evaluate the function self, given evaluations of self.bases.
(*measure)Compute the expectation of the random variable self(measure) if measure is provided, and of self(self.bases.measure) otherwise.
([support, n_points])Plot the function on a support using a given number of points.
Return the RandomVector associated with self.bases.
Determine if self is random.
(*measure)Compute the expectation of the random variable self(measure) if measure is provided, and of self(self.bases.measure) otherwise.
(*measure)Return the L^2 norm of self(X), with X = measure if provided, and X = self.bases.measure otherwise.
(alpha[, x])Compute the gradient of the function with respect to its alpha-th parameter, evaluated at some points.
(not_alpha, x_not_alpha)Return the partial evaluation of a function f(x) = f(x_alpha,x_not_alpha), a function f_alpha(.) = f(., x_not_alpha) for fixed values x_not_alpha of the variables with indices not_alpha.
(*args, **kwargs)Evaluates the function at n points x drawn randomly according to the ProbabilityMeasure in measure if provided, or in self.measure.
(dims, *args[, nargout])Evaluate the function in dimensions dims using n points drawn randomly according to measure if provided, or to self.bases.measure.marginal(dims) otherwise.
()Return the storage requirement of the FunctionalTensor.
(x)Evaluate the function, reuising previous evaluations if possible, and storing the new evaluations in self.
([n])Surface plot of the bivariate function.
(g[, n, measure])Compute the test error associated with the function, using a function g or some of its evaluations as a reference.
(*measure)Compute the variance of the random variable self(measure) if measure is provided, and of self(self.bases.measure) otherwise.
Compute the variance of the conditional expectation of self in dimensions in alpha.
(dims, *args)¶ Compute the conditional expectation of self with respect to the random variables dims (a subset of [1, …, d]).
The expectation with respect to other variables (in the complementary set of dims) is taken with respect to the probability measure given by a tensap.RandomVector if provided as an additional argument, or with respect to the probability measure associated with the corresponding bases of self.
- Parameters
- dimslist or numpy.ndarray
The dimensions of the random variables with respect to which the conditional expectation is to be computed.
- *argstuple
Tuple containing a tensap.randomVector giving the probability measure of the variables other than the ones in dims. If not provided, the measure is infered from self.bases.measure.
- Returns
- tensap.FunctionalTensor
The conditional expectation of self with respect to the random variables dims, as a len(dims)-order tensor.
(n)¶ Compute the n-th order derivative of self.
- Parameters
- nint
The order of derivation.
- Returns
- dftensap.FunctionalTensor
The n-th order derivative of self.
(f_2, fdims=None, *measure)¶ Computes the expectation of self(X)f_2(X) where X is the random vector associated with self.bases if measure is not provided, and measure otherwise.
For tensor-valued functions of X (len(X)<self.order), fdims specifies the dimensions of self and f_2 corresponding to theRandomVector X.
- Parameters
- f_2tensap.FunctionalTensor
The second functional tensor of the product.
- fdimslist of numpy.ndarray, optional
Specifies the dimensions of self and f_2 corresponding to theRandomVector X. The default is None, indicating all the dimensions
- *measuretensap.RandomVector, optional
The measure used for the computation of the product. If not provided, indicates to use self.bases.measure.
- Returns
- float or Tensor
The expectation of self(X)f_2(X).
- Raises
- ValueError
If the two tensors do not have the same order and fdims is not specified.
- NotImplementedError
If the bases of self and f_2 are not equal.
(x, *dims)¶ Evaluate self at the points x.
If dims is provided, compute the partial evaluations of self at points x in dimensions in dims.
- Parameters
- xlist or numpy.ndarray or None
The points at which the function is to be evaluated. If x is None and self.evaluated_bases, evaluates the function using the evaluations of the bases.
- *dimslist or numpy.ndarray, optional
The dimensions of the partial evaluation. If not provided, evaluate the function in all dimensions.
- Returns
- numpu.ndarray or Tensor
The evaluations of self at the points x.
(n, x, *dims)¶ Evaluate the n-th order derivative of self at the points x.
If dims is provided, compute the partial evaluations of the n-th order derivative of self at points x n dimensions in dims.
- Parameters
- nint
The order of derivation.
- xlist or numpy.ndarray
The points at which the function is to be evaluated.
- *dimslist or numpy.ndarray, optional
The dimensions of the partial evaluation. If not provided, evaluate the function in all dimensions.
- Returns
- numpu.ndarray or Tensor
The evaluations of the n-th derivative of self at the points x.
(x, dims=None)¶ Compute evaluations of self at points x.
- Parameters
- xlist
List such that x[k] contains the grid associated with the (k+1)-th variable.
- dimslist or numpy.ndarray, optional
Array indicating the dimensions associated with x. The default is None, indicating all the dimensions.
- Returns
- outFunctionalTensor or tensap.Tensor
The evaluations of self at points x.
(bases_eval, dims=None)¶ Evaluate the function self, given evaluations of self.bases.
- Parameters
- bases_evallist or numpy.ndarray
The evaluations of self.bases.
- dimslist or numpy.ndarray, optional
The dimensions of the evaluation. The default is None, indicating all the dimensions.
- Returns
- outnumpy.ndarray or Tensor
The (partially) evaluated function.
(*measure)¶ Compute the expectation of the random variable self(measure) if measure is provided, and of self(self.bases.measure) otherwise.
- Parameters
- *measuretensap.RandomVector, optional
The measure used for the computation of the expectation. If not provided, indicates to use self.bases.measure.
- Returns
- float or Tensor
The expectation of the function.
()¶ Return the RandomVector associated with self.bases.
- Returns
- tensap.RandomVector
The RandomVector associated with self.bases.
()¶ Determine if self is random.
- Returns
- bool
Boolean indicating if if self is random.
(*measure)¶ Compute the expectation of the random variable self(measure) if measure is provided, and of self(self.bases.measure) otherwise.
- Parameters
- *measuretensap.RandomVector, optional
The measure used for the computation of the mean. If not provided, indicates to use self.bases.measure.
- Returns
- float or Tensor
The mean of the function.
(*measure)¶ Return the L^2 norm of self(X), with X = measure if provided, and X = self.bases.measure otherwise.
If self.evaluatedBases is true, without additional information, return the canonical norm of self.tensor.
- Parameters
- *measuretensap.RandomVector, optional
The measure used for the computation of the norm. If not provided, indicates to use self.bases.measure.
- Returns
- float or Tensor
The L^2 norm of self(X).
(alpha, x=None, *args)¶ Compute the gradient of the function with respect to its alpha-th parameter, evaluated at some points.
- Parameters
- alphaint
The number of the parameter with respect to which compute the gradient of self.
- xlist or numpy.ndarray, optional
The points at which the gradient is to be evaluated. The default is None, indicating to use self.bases if self.evaluated_bases is True.
- Returns
- gradTensor
The gradient of the function with respect to its alpha-th parameter, evaluated at some points.
- Raises
- ValueError
If no input points are provided.
(alpha, x=None, dmrg_type='dmrg', *args)¶
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Evaluates the function at n points x drawn randomly according to the ProbabilityMeasure in measure if provided, or in self.measure.
- Parameters
- nint, optional
The number of random evaluations. The default is 1.
- measuretensap.ProbabilityMeasure, optional
The probability measure according to which the points x are drawn. The default is None, indicating to use self.measure.
- Returns
- numpy.ndarray
The evaluations of the function at the points x.
- xnumpy.ndarray
The points at which the function is to be evaluated.
- Raises
- ValueError
If the provided measure is not a tensap.ProbabilityMeasure.
(dims, *args, nargout=1)¶ Evaluate the function in dimensions dims using n points drawn randomly according to measure if provided, or to self.bases.measure.marginal(dims) otherwise.
- Parameters
- dimslist or numpy.ndarray
The dimensions of the bases to be evaluated.
- nint, optional
The number of random evaluations. The default is 1.
- measuretensap.ProbabilityMeasure, optional
The probability measure used for the generation of the input points. The default is None, indicating to use self.measure.marginal(dims).
- Returns
- bases_evallist or numpy.ndarray
Random evaluations of the function.
- xnumpy.ndarray
The input points, grouped by basis.
(*measure)¶ ‘ Compute the standard deviation of the random variable self(measure) if measure is provided, and of self(self.bases.measure) otherwise.
- Parameters
- *measuretensap.RandomVector, optional
The measure used for the computation of the standard deviation. If not provided, indicates to use self.bases.measure.
- Returns
- vfloat or Tensor
The standard deviation of the function.
()¶ Return the storage requirement of the FunctionalTensor.
- Returns
- int
The storage requirement of the FunctionalTensor.
(*measure)¶ Compute the variance of the random variable self(measure) if measure is provided, and of self(self.bases.measure) otherwise.
- Parameters
- *measuretensap.RandomVector, optional
The measure used for the computation of the variance. If not provided, indicates to use self.bases.measure.
- Returns
- varfloat or Tensor
The variance of the function.
(alpha)¶ Compute the variance of the conditional expectation of self in dimensions in alpha.
- Parameters
- alphalist or numpy.ndarray
Array containing the dimensions (either explicitely or using booleans) in which the variance of the conditional expectation is computed.
- Returns
- vnumpy.ndarray
The variance of the conditional expectation of self in dimensions in alpha.
tensap.functions.multivariate_functions_benchmark module¶
Module multivariate_functions_benchmark
(case, *args)¶ Generate different functions used to benchmark the package.
- Parameters
- casestr
The name of the function. Can be ‘borehole’, ‘ishigami’, ‘sin_of_a_sum’, ‘linear_additive’, ‘linear_rank_one’, ‘quadratic_rank_one’, ‘canonical_rank_2’, ‘mixture’, ‘field’, ‘oscillatory’, ‘product_peak’, ‘corner_peak’, ‘gaussian’, ‘continuous’, ‘discontinuous’, ‘henon_heiles’, ‘sobol’, ‘anisotropic’, ‘polynomial’.
- *argstuple
Parameters of the function.
- Returns
- function
The asked function.
- tensap.RandomVector
Input random variables.
- Raises
- NotImplementedError
If the function is not implemented.
tensap.functions.tensorized_function module¶
Module tensorized_function.
(fun, tens=None)¶ Bases:
Class TensorizedFunction.
- Attributes
- funfunction or tensap.Function
A function of (d+1)*dim variables.
- tenstensap.Tensorizer
A tensap.Tensorizer object.
(x[, return_f])Call self as a function.
()Return the domain of the function.
(z)Evaluate the function at the points x.
(x)Evaluate the Function on a grid x.
([support, n_points])Plot the function on a support using a given number of points.
(not_alpha, x_not_alpha)Return the partial evaluation of a function f(x) = f(x_alpha,x_not_alpha), a function f_alpha(.) = f(., x_not_alpha) for fixed values x_not_alpha of the variables with indices not_alpha.
([n, measure])Evaluates the function at n points x drawn randomly according to the ProbabilityMeasure in measure if provided, or in self.measure.
(x)Evaluate the function, reuising previous evaluations if possible, and storing the new evaluations in self.
([n])Surface plot of the bivariate function.
(g[, n, measure])Compute the test error associated with the function, using a function g or some of its evaluations as a reference.
()¶ Return the domain of the function.
- Returns
- supnumpy.ndarray
The domain of the function.
(z)¶ Evaluate the function at the points x.
- Parameters
- xlist or numpy.ndarray
The points at which the function is to be evaluated.
- Returns
- numpy.ndarray
The evaluations of the function at the points x.
tensap.functions.tensorizer module¶
Module tensorizer.
(b, d, dim=1, X=None, Y=None)¶ Bases:
Class Tensorizer.
- Attributes
- bint
The base of the map.
- dint
The resolution of the map.
- dimint
The input dimension of the function to be tensorized.
- Xtensap.RandomVector
Random vector used for the map.
- Ytensap.RandomVector
Random vector used for the map.
(z)Evaluate the map at points z = (i_1, …, i_d, y), returning x such that self.map(x) = z.
(x[, nargout])Evaluate the map at points x, returning y and i such that self.map(x) = (i_1, …, i_d, y).
(fun)Tensorize a provided function defined on self.X.support().
Return a tensap.FunctionalBases object associated with the provided basis or basis function(s) and the Tensorizer object.
(u, b, d[, nargout])Return the representation of numbers on [0, 1] in base b with resolution d.
(z, b)Return the representation of numbers in base b in decimal on [0, 1].
(z)¶ Evaluate the map at points z = (i_1, …, i_d, y), returning x such that self.map(x) = z.
- Parameters
- zlist or numpy.ndarray
The points at which the inverse map is to be evaluated.
- Returns
- numpy.ndarray
The points x such that self.map(x) = z.
(x, nargout=1)¶ Evaluate the map at points x, returning y and i such that self.map(x) = (i_1, …, i_d, y).
- Parameters
- xlist or numpy.ndarray
The points at which the map is to be evaluated.
- nargoutint, optional
The number of outputs. The default is 1, returning a horizontal stack of i and y. Set to 2 to return y and i separately.
- Returns
- numpy.ndarray
Either (i_1, …, i_d, y) if nargout == 1, or y if nargout == 2.
- numpy.ndarray
(i_1, …, i_d), if nargout == 2.
(fun)¶ Tensorize a provided function defined on self.X.support().
- Parameters
- funfunction or tensap.Function
The function to be tensorized.
- Returns
- tensap.TensorizedFunction
The tensorized function.
- Raises
- ValueError
If the provided argument is neither a tensap.Function nor a function.
(h=1)¶ Return a tensap.FunctionalBases object associated with the provided basis or basis function(s) and the Tensorizer object.
- Parameters
- htensap.FunctionalBases or tensap.FunctionalBasis or function or
- list or scalar, optional
The function used to generate the basis. The default is the function 1.
- Returns
- tensap.FunctionalBases
The functional bases.
(u, b, d, nargout=1)¶ Return the representation of numbers on [0, 1] in base b with resolution d.
- Parameters
- ulist or numpy.ndarray
The inputs to be converted in base b with resolution d.
- bint
The base.
- dint
The resolution.
- nargoutint, optional
The number of outputs. The default is 1, returning a horizontal stack of i and y. Set to 2 to return y and i separately.
- Returns
- numpy.ndarray
Either (i_1, …, i_d, y) if nargout == 1, or y if nargout == 2.
- numpy.ndarray
(i_1, …, i_d), if nargout == 2.
(z, b)¶ Return the representation of numbers in base b in decimal on [0, 1].
- Parameters
- zlist or numpy.ndarray
The numbers in base b.
- bint
The base.
- Returns
- numpy.ndarray
The decimal representation of the inputs on [0, 1].
tensap.functions.user_defined_function module¶
Module user_defined_function.
(fun, dim, shape=None)¶ Bases:
Class UserDefinedFunction.
- Attributes
- funfunction or tensap.Function
The function defining the UserDefinedFunction object.
(x[, return_f])Call self as a function.
(x)Evaluate the function at the points x.
(x)Evaluate the Function on a grid x.
([support, n_points])Plot the function on a support using a given number of points.
(not_alpha, x_not_alpha)Return the partial evaluation of a function f(x) = f(x_alpha,x_not_alpha), a function f_alpha(.) = f(., x_not_alpha) for fixed values x_not_alpha of the variables with indices not_alpha.
([n, measure])Evaluates the function at n points x drawn randomly according to the ProbabilityMeasure in measure if provided, or in self.measure.
(x)Evaluate the function, reuising previous evaluations if possible, and storing the new evaluations in self.
([n])Surface plot of the bivariate function.
(g[, n, measure])Compute the test error associated with the function, using a function g or some of its evaluations as a reference.
(x)¶ Evaluate the function at the points x.
- Parameters
- xlist or numpy.ndarray
The points at which the function is to be evaluated.
- Returns
- numpy.ndarray
The evaluations of the function at the points x.